Records from Diff. Budget

#1 Records from Diff. Budget


Within the Mid-Year Closures module it is possible to select the 'Records from Difference Budget' procedure: through this procedure it is possible to assign to the mid-year closure the costs/revenues that have been already recorded on reference period budget. This refers to costs with postponed survey whose budget has a correct value because estimated by the contract: in financial accounting the record is not still present, but it is estimated on budget. In these cases, instead of creating the line at the end of the manual operations, it is allowed an automatic budget data retrieve, if the mid-year closure has been associated to a budget. (It is not allowed to take a 'positive' difference, that occurs if the accounting value is higher than the budget value)

Once having set in the first field the closure on which to operate, it will be necessary to set the reference sub-budget for difference calculation on the following field: the following header fields correspond to the search filter.

On the first line it will be possible to view negative differences: it will be necessary to set the 'Select' flag in order to determine which differences to be covered through the automatic record, with the indication of the related valorization of the same to CC/PC (proposed by predefined settings in the chart of accounts, if available).

At the base of the mask it will be necessary to indicate the record template (that has to have CC/PC/job flags to valorize data set above) and the offset detail account to be used (e.g.: invoice to be received).

Through this mask it is possible to go on to print the reclassification patterns. Among available reports it is possible to associate a report that views all details about detail accounts/CC/PC/job orders and a record with the same pattern structure.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions, linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:

SearchIt performs the search of entry about budget difference to be managed for the selected closure.
Make RecordsIt performs the off-balance survey of values selected from budget.
Delete RecordsIt deletes the budget retrieve for the closure set.

BuildDate : 31 marzo 2015

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