Search Stocks

#1 Search Stocks


The Stocks Visualization procedure has been created in order to enable the user to extract easily the warehouse stocks with the task to control warehouse and the the correspondence between physical and logic stock.

The stocks visualization procedure consists as follows:

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:

Recalculate StocksButton to recalculate stocks after having imported movements by external.
SearchIt refers to the procedure to search for stocks according to the inserted filters.
Links - Procedures
Generate RecordsIt performs the procedure in order to create a warehouse record. It is located only within warehouse, production job order and item stock detail tabs.
PreviewIt performs the procedure to view the print preview of a standard report or a customized report. It is located within the item stock detail tab.
PrintIt performs the procedure to print the standard or customized report. It is located only on the item stock detail tab.

FILTER AREA: The filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a research on the total of sales order lines inserted in system. Typically Filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filter criteria at the same time.

Apart from the basis filters that identify the item according to the register data, it is possible to view different cost types, positive, negative and/or zero stocks, stocks in a warehouse and in a particular location and above all the date to which stocks have to be queried. In this way it is possible to perform a research even in the past.

RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the list of items which correspond to the filter data, above mentioned. After having specified the values through which it is possible to obtain a picking search, the user can push [Search] button on the related Ribbon and will obtain the list of the items on the result grid.

The result grid can be divided into 10 tabs:

Item: results are grouped per item and class, item code, description, second description, variant (possible), variant description (possible), quantity and unit of measure are specified;

Warehouse: results are grouped per warehouse and as well as the item tab values, even warehouse and warehouse description values are specified;

Location: results are grouped per location and as well as the item tab values, even the location, location description and location status values are specified;

Job Order: results are grouped per sales job order and as well as the item tab values, even the job oder number, job order year and job order item description values are specified;

Option: results are grouped per option and as well as the item tab values, even the option and option description values are specified;

Customer/Vendor: results are grouped per customer/vendor (that are on warehouse records) and as well as the item tab values, even the customer/vendor values are specified;

Lot: in case that there are items managed per lots the results are grouped per lot and as well as the item tab values, even the warehouse, lot and available quantity values are specified;

Attributes: results are grouped per attribute and as well as the item tab values, even the second item description, option, warehouse, warehouse description, attribute, attribute values, location, lot and lot load date are specified;

Production Job Order: results are grouped per production job order and as well as the item tab values, even the warehouse, warehouse description, location, production job order number and production job order year are specified;

Item Stock Detail: it is the maximum detail of results that is grouped according to all the previous tabs. It is possible to specify the following values: class, item code, item description, second item description, variant, variant description, option, option description, warehouse, location, job order number, job order year, customer/vendor description, lot, available quantity, stock quantity, unit of measure and location status. 

BuildDate : 28 giugno 2013

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