VAT Rates

#1 VAT Rates


The label referred above is common to all the companies in the database and has a VAT rates list, that is applicable in the whole management software.

It is a preloaded label on which the user can work in order to edit or add what would be necessary for company activity.

The mask has three sections: the upper one with the VAT rates list; the central section, which defines more purchases/sales detail accounts in order to use them for every ‘VAT accounting type’ of the customer/supplier (or with default accounting parameters; its use depends on precise settings of the default ledger template, to which it refers) and in the lower section there is a detail of VAT specific encoded notes, that aren’t in standard options of the management software. 

First Section
CodeRate identification code
DescriptionThe description will be indicated in all standard fiscal prints of the management software
PercentageIt defines the applicable VAT percentage
VAT Cat.It indicates the fixed VAT typologies of the management software. For example the typology is very important in order to totalize the different business operations both in customer/supplier list and in annual VAT communication
Non-Deductible VAT Perc.It defines the non-deductible VAT percentage in order to put it on tax
PlafondThe flag defines the rates in order to manage them in increase or decrease modality according to sale or purchase for VAT calculation
In VAT DeclarationThe flag sets which rates in the annual VAT communication/declaration manage
Non IntraThe flag sets which rates not to consider, even though they were used in documents (in purchases/sales invoice template) or in Intracee recordings. It is in the automatic creation of Intrastat recapitulations and in the annual VAT communication calculation.
Rep. San MarinoThe flag defines which rates in the San Marino operations have been used
%VAT Agr. Deduct.The flag sets the non-deductible rate percentage in case of movement in agricultural system
Let VAT 0 in JournalThe flag entails the VAT lines recording with 0 amount debit and credit in journal. The reason for payment should have the same authorization type of 0 lines.
Import Gold SilverThe flag enables the setting of rates, that have to be recapitulated in the Yearly VAT communication flags.
Import ScrapsThe flag enables the user to set the type of rates, that have to be recapitulated in the Yearly VAT communication flags
No in Cus/VenThe flag enables the user to exclude the VAT movements of the present rate from customer/vendor list

The central section enables the user to define more purchases/sales detail accounts for every rate in order to use them for every ‘VAT accounting type’ of the customer/supplier (or with default accounting parameters; its use depends on precise settings of the default ledger template, to which it refers)

Second Section
VAT Acc. TypeAlphanumeric code of the VAT accounting type
Acc. Type Descr.VAT accounting type description
Purchase AccountPurchase account to propose for this VAT accounting type
Purchase Detail Acc.Purchase detail account to propose for this VAT accounting type
DescriptionDescription of the purchase detail account to propose for this VAT accounting type
Sales AccountSales account to propose for this VAT accounting type
Sales Detail AccountSales detail account to propose for this VAT accounting type
DescriptionSales detail account description to propose for this VAT accounting type

The third section enables the user to define a specific encoded notes detail of the rate, that are not used in standard options of the management software

Third Section
NotesNotes field

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchButton to perform a VAT rate search through the description field
InsertionButton to insert a new VAT rate
DeleteButton to delete a VAT rate, unless this has already been used
PreviewButton to perform the VAT rates preview
PrintButton to perform the VAT rates print

BuildDate : 10 febbraio 2015

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