Cost driver

#1 Cost driver


The table enables the user to define a list of reattribution codes of cost/profit centers movements

In this first section it is necessary to insert the alphanumeric code and the cost driver description

First Section
CodeAlphanumeric cost driver code of 5 characters
Description Cost driver description

In this second grid it is possible to define the percentage criterion of distribution, that is linked to the cost driver above: the percentages amount of this detail, that can be attributable both to C.C. and P.C. for the same cost driver, should have 100% of movement. 

Second Section
C.C.It is the cost center, to which it is possible to assign the distribution criterion, linked to the cost driver where the user is located.
DescriptionC.C. description
P.C.It is the profit center, to which it is possible to assign the distribution criterion, linked to the cost driver where the user is located.
DescriptionP.C. description
PercentageCriterion percentage attribution
Division The optional division column enables the user to force the movement attribution to a particular company division
DescriptionDivision description
Accounting PeriodThe optional ‘Accounting Period’ field enables the user to link the validity of the distribution criterion to a particular accounting period

 RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchButton to look for a cost driver through fields: code, description, C.C. and P.C.
InsertionButton to insert a new cost driver
Delete Button to delete the cost driver, where the user is located
Delete DetailsButton to delete the cost driver detail, where the user is located
PreviewButton to perform the preview
PrintButton to launch the print

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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