Attributes Detail

#1 Attributes Detail


In Attributes Detail section there are different settings:

General Ledger Template: if the record type considers the management of the general ledger template, it is possible to indicate (the field is not obligatory) in this field the general ledger template to be proposed in analytic record;

Section Other columns that can be displayed in the ledger records grid:

VAT Type: it views the selection of VAT movement type in analytic movement lines

Currency: it views the currency selection in analytic movement lines

VAT Data (Amount Origin Code …): it views VAT data in analytic movement lines

From/To Accrual Date: it views the accrual date range in analytic movement lines

Detail Account Description: field not in use

Currency Date: it views the currency date in analytic movement lines

VAT Description: field not in use

Movement Detail: it views a notes field in analytic movement lines

Currency Amount: it views the currency amount in analytic movement lines

Exchange: it views the exchange in analytic movement lines

Non Deductible %: it views the non deductible percentage in analytic movement lines

Section Record Type:

Recording-Quantity: this option activates the possibility to insert unit of measure, quantity and unit price in cost accounting lines based on the template in use

Recording-Value: through this option the analytic record will have only fields of debit/credit movement values

Section Type of Recording-Quantity is active only in case of a quantity record

Sales Items: it enables the user to associate the warehouse item to movement line

Purchase Items: it enables the user to associate a vendor item to movement line

Without Items: it does not provide for an item line association

Section Record Options:

In case of templates that do not provide for a general handling, in this section it is possible to indicate if record, during the process of saving, has to be replayed for periods of both the following fields:

Periodicity: period type that is necessary to replay

Periods Number: number of duplicates to be created with the defined periodicity

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following: 

New TemplateNot managed.
Delete TemplateNot managed.
Save Not managed.

BuildDate : 16 aprile 2015

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