#1 Variances Analysis
topThe procedure is dedicated to the evaluation of budget final balances: on mask above it will be possible to select the reference budget, on the right the sub-budget detail to be analyzed and below it will be possible to view and select the list of data retrieve to be considered. By clicking on the “View Variances” button it will be possible open a mask with the estimated values detail to budget, of final balance value and the related variance percentage. It is important to describe more the visualization flag: through this flag it will be possible to view all data that are on the data retrieve as final balance, even if the related value has not been estimated on budget (as detail account, cost and profit centre).
Through this mask it is possible to view a graphic of the selected line, to edit colours of the columns and to export in excel in order to elaborate or print the result.
RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The possible features list is the following:
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013