#1 Returns Type
topThe Returns Type table can be opened through the following path Tables -> Logistic -> Returns Type, and it sets the subcontractor returns types in order to transfer material from and for specific warehouses according to the return type.
The window, that enables the user to filter per code and description of the inserted return type, is made up of a grid where user can insert the return types to manage.
Here the grid columns:
- Code: through this column it is possible to insert the return type code
- Description: through this column it is possible to insert the return type description
- Warehouse: through this column and through the specific combo box it is possible to choose the warehouse on which the material, produced and sent by the subcontractor through a subcontractor return, will be loaded
- Warehouse Description: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse description inserted in the previous column
- Template: through this column and through the specific combo box user can choose which template has to load the material produced and sent by subcontrator through a subcontractor return created with the already inserted type
- Template Description: through this column it is possible to view the description of template inserted in the previous column
- Ware. Maturity: through this colum and through the specific combo box user can choose the warehouse from which the material, used by subcontractor and inserted in subcontractor return Materials tab created with the already inserted type, will be unloaded
- Description Ware. Maturity: through this column it is possible to view the description of warehouse inserted in the previous column
- Temp. Maturity: through this column and through the proper combo box the user can choose which template has to unload the material used by subcontrator and inserted in subcontrator return Material type created with the already inserted type
- Description Temp. Maturity: through this column it is possible to view the template description inserted in the previous column
Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR:
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013