#1 Filter
topThanks to this tab it is possible to view the list of planned orders that have to be released and filtered through a series of selection criteria. The tab consists of a filter area and of a result grid.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form Menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:
FILTER AREA: the filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a search on the total of inserted Planned Orders. Typically filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filters at the same time.
The user can use the following filters:
Item: the first combo enables the user to set the item class. Thanks to a double click on the second field it is possible to open a 'Items Help' through which user can select the single item (code and description);
Variant: through a double click user can open a variants help through which it is possible to select the item variant;
Working Start Date From…To…: in these fields it is possible to insert (in a range) the estimated working start date (from…to…);
Working End Date From…To…: in these fields it is possible to insert (in a range) the estimated working end date (from…to…);
Maintenance Orders: through this flag it is possible to view even the maintenance planned orders;
Release Planned Orders to: through this combo it is possible to select the order type that will have to be generated together with the release (Purchase Requests, Production Orders, Subcontractor Orders);
Order Type: through this combo it is possible to insert the planned order Type and to filter according to this criterium, viewing all the planned orders of the selected type;
J.O. Type: through this combo it is possible to insert the Production Job Order Type and to filter according to this criterium, viewing all the planned orders generated by job orders of the selected type;
Prod. J.O.: in these 2 fields it is possible to set the production job order number and year;
Vendor: in these 3 fields it is possible to specify the related data of Vendor: 'account', 'detail account', 'customer company name'. Thanks to a double click on the first field it is possible to open a 'Accounts Help' from which to select the desired vendor;
Job Order: in this field and through the specific job orders help it is possible to insert the sales job order number;
Customer: in these 3 fields it is possible to specify the customer data: 'account', 'detail account', 'customer name'. Through a double click on the first field it is possible to open a 'Accounts Help' from which to select the customer in order to filter;
Group: in this box it is possible to insert the group number to which the planned orders, that user wants to view in the grid, belong.
RESULT GRID: In the result grid it is possible to view the list of Planned Orders that correspond to the filter data, above mentioned. After having specified the values through which to obtain a Planned Orders search, the user, by clicking on the Search button into the related Ribbon, will obtain the desired Planned Orders list in the grid.
The columns, that can be viewed in the result grid, are the following:
Year: the column shows the Planned Order year;
Order: the column shows the Planned Order number;
Level: the column shows the bill of material level that identifies the Planned Order item;
Order Type Code: the column shows the Planned Order Type code;
Order Type Description: the column shows the Planned Order Type Description;
Job Order Year: the column shows the production job order year from which the planned order has been generated. The column is free in case that the planned order has been manually generated or comes from MRP elaboration;
Job Order Number: the column shows the production job order number from which the planned order has been generated. The column is free in case that the planned order has been manually generated or comes from MRP elaboration;
Job Order Type Code: the column shows the Production Job Order Type code;
Job Order Type Description: the column shows the Production Job Order Type description;
Class: the column shows the Planned Order item class;
Item Class: the column shows the Planned Order item code;
Variant: the column shows the possible item variant;
Start Date: the column shows the estimated Planned Order start date. In case of a purchase or subcontractor planned order this date represents the date in which the purchase order has to be sent to vendor and it will be subsequently generated through the release of the same order. In case of a production planned order this date represents the estimated start date of the first working phase of item route;
End Date: the column shows the estimated end date of the Planned Order. In case of a purchase or subcontractor planned order this date represents the date in which the provision has to be received and so it will correspond to the estimated reception date of the purchase order line that will be subsequently generated with the release of the same order. In case of a production planned order this date represents the estimated end date of the last working phase of item route;
Quantity: the column shows the item Planned Order quantity;
Confirmed Quantity: the column shows the confirmed quantity of the item Planned Order, that is different to zero in case that the planned order comes from MRP elaboration;
Customer: the column shows the customer order and detail account linked to the Planned Order;
Vendor: the colum shows the vendor account and detail account linked to thepurchase or subcontractor Planned Order;
Characteristic: the column shows the item Characteristic code of the Planned Order;
Job Order: the column shows the possible sales job order linked to the Planned Order;
Order Number: the column shows the sales order number from which the production job order line has been generated and whose scheduling has generated the planned order;
Sales Order Year: the column shows the sales order year from which the production job order has been generated and whose scheduling has generated the planned order;
SO Type: the column shows the sales order Type from whic the production job order line has been generated and whose scheduling has generated the planned order;
Item Description: the column shows the item description of the Planned Order;
Customer Description: the column shows the customer company name linked to the Planned Order;
Vendor Description: the column shows the vendor company name linked to the purchase or subcontractor Planned Order;
Characteristic Description: the column shows the item Characteristic Description linked to the Planned Order;
Compulsory: the column shows a flag, that is active, enables the user to indicate that the planned order can be absolutely moved.
BuildDate : 30 marzo 2015