Create Intrastat File

#1 Create Intrastat File


On this procedure it is possible to create the electronic communication file regarding the intrastat declarations: the user can select models of period to be presented and by clicking on 'create file' button it will be possible to open a save mask of the estimated EXCHANGES.CEE file. In case that in declaration there are only goods data, the file will have the old structure 'EUROA', if otherwise there are services, it will be applied the new structure 'EUROX' scheduled since 2010. There are no blocks to declarations for which the electronic file has been created.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:

SearchIt searches the Intrastat declarations for which it is possible to generate the electronic file.
Export on FileButton to create and to export the electronic file, with saving of file in a directory chosen by the user.

BuildDate : 02 agosto 2013

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