Gantt Parameters

#1 Gantt Parameters


The “Production Orders Parameters” window can be opened by following the path Home  >Parameters > Production > Gantt Parameters. By the means of this window, all the parameters related to the Gannt visualization are set.

The “Lock Delivery date of Sales Order” flag, if active, makes impossible for the user to postpone the job orders,  making the delivery date set in the sales order, from which it has been generated, ignored.

In the “Document Color” section, it is possible to set the colors related to the different kinds of documents that it is possible to view on the Gannt.

In the “Histogram Color” it is possible to set the colors regarding the start and the end of the Working Centers and of the overloads of work.

In the “Background Color” it is possible to set the background colors regarding the Gannt and the histogram.

In the “Font Colour” it is possible to set the standard font colors, of the Executed and Peremptory Documents.

In the “Marker Color” section, it is possible to set the colors of the font that will be used to indicate the name of the documents that will be viewed in the Gannt.

Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR:

SaveButton to save the edits made on the Gannt Parameters

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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