Currency Exchanges

#1 Currency Exchanges


The currency exchanges table, common to all companies of the same database, enables the user to insert day by day the official exchanges in order to use them in different procedures of the management software: in particular the program will take the last valid exchange from the document/recording date in the present table.

ExchangeNormally it is necessary to insert the company currency (euro)
DescriptionCurrency description
InIt is the reference currency
DescriptionReference currency description
Currency DateIt is the reference exchange date
Exchange ValueIt is the 'price exchange system', really used by program in order to calculate the similar values. In case of euro, the exchange value is the reverse value in respect to official daily exchange.
Direct ValueIt is the 'volume exchange system', not obligatory

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to operate on previous recordings or generate new ones. The possible features list is the following:

SearchIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the search of an exchange and even with the possibility to filter information according to the currency and from date to date fields.
InsertionIt is a command, that is necessary in order to insert a new exchange
Exchanges UpdateIt is a command, that is necessary in order to update exchanges and it has got a dialog also with the list of the last exchanges in table
Import from FileIt is a command, that is necessary in order to import from file, when home banking file is coherently structured
DeleteIt is a command, that is necessary in order to delete exchanges
PreviewIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the exchanges preview
PrintIt is a command, that is necessary in order to perform the exchanges print

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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