ReadOnly and ReadWrite service
< Adding an object to services
ReadOnly service
If you are in the readonly service, you need to go to your objects module and check your object, and then check it as readonly.
You also need to check if the references that your object has are included into the service. In order to do that, go to every other module where your reference is placed and check it, and then check it as readonly.
OBS: We do the same if the object has child object(s):
ReadWrite service
If you are in the ReadWrite service, you need to go to your objects module and check your object, and then check it as ReadOnly and as ReadWrite.
You also need to check if the references that your object has are included into the service. In order to do that, go to every other module where your reference is placed and check it, and then check it as ReadOnly.
BuildDate : 07 agosto 2018