#1 Cost Record
topThe creation of a new cost record consists of records divided by two macro-categories: records by quantity or by value.
The most particular aspect of a record by quantity refers to the fact that in the grid of cost record it detects unit of measure, quantity and movement unit price. Then according to the record type by quantity, it is possible that:
a) record has no items: in this case unit of measure, quantity and price are the only fields that can be viewed on the grid. The detail tabulator of cost movement will be set automatically on Cost Data tab, where it is possible to view and to manage movement cost details. It is possible to move on Item Data tab in order to force the connection to a sales item, but the operation is not recommended (it is preferred to encode a template by quantity through the sales item option)
b) Record is with Sales Item: in this case there will be possible to view, on grid of analytical movements, the item line types, class, matrix and variant in order to select the item to be associated to the cost accounting movement (the movement detail tab will be set automatically on Item Data). It will be possible to associate movement to the encoded item lines (in that case the general/cost detail accounts proposed on cost accounting line, will correspond to cost detail account of item register and its general detail account associated to the cost chart of accounts, if there is not the general detail account of item register), to not encoded lines (again a record without item but always with quantity, unit of measure and unit price), to charges lines, giveaway lines, notes lines, etc. as well as to sales/purchase documents.
c) record has Purchase Item: in this case, as well as the previous item fields, it will be possible to view even the fields for vendor item linked to the cost accounting movement line.
As user inserts cost handling lines, system will valorize possibly financial accounting movements, if necessary for the handling with the associated cost template.
On the contrary a cost template per value can have any cost record typology: without flag, with general or analytic flag.
A record per value enables the user to valorize both cost and financial accounting, analytical accounting or analytical + cost accounting or lastly all.
The cost accounting per value provides for the possibility to valorize debit/credit of these sections: as regards the standard logics the user will valorize in the cost accounting tab and starting from this, according to the various settings, it will be possible to create general and/or analytical lines.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the record in manage. The list of features is the following:
BuildDate : 31 marzo 2015