#1 Object/New Object top The Object Browser form represents a tree visualization with groups of objects and properties per object. The specific visualization is interactive and enables the user to work visualizing and creating the tree structure with customizations.
Depending on the selected node and through the use of the right button of mouse, it is possible to operate in different modalities.
In case in which the Object node type, through the right button of mouse on the left tree, the available functions are the following:
Functions Customize Class Through this function it is possible to create a personalization of the selected class. It can be used when it is necessary to insert new customized properties. The added objects will be Custom or Partner, according to the type of installation. New SubClass It adds a subclass to the selected class. Edit Through this function it is possible to view the Business Object form, in which it is possible to edit some properties and information of the specific class. In case of Standard class only some attributes can be edited. As regards the Custom class, all attributes can be editable.
Delete Through this function it is possible to delete the object. New Widget It adds a new widget type object into the Widgets folder. It opens a new Widget form in which the user can create a new graphic element related to the specific class. New Method It adds a new method to the selected class. It opens the Method form in which the user is able to detail the information of that specific method. New Algorithm It adds a new algorith to the selected class. It opens the the Algorith form in which the user can detail the information of that algorithm and add methods to the algorith.
New State/Transition Group It adds a new group related to the object status and to the Transitions. The object can change the status depending on restrictions established into the Transitions. For this reason, transitions establish the direction of the change and which operations have to be performed during the change. New Trasformation It adds a new transformation. Transformations consist in creating other objects (not classes, but files), that represent the business object. For example, it refers to the transformation of a document, also called business object, into a pdf file. Objects created can be: email, files, strings. The transformations can be used into transitions or into the source code of the application. The New Transformation function opens the Transformation window, where the user can detail attributes and features.
On the right panel there are the following information displayed for the Object type node:
Informazioni Object Code Identification code of the class.
Name Class name. Description Specific description of the class. Nature This field has the following options: standard, partner and customer according to the way in which the ARM is used. For example, if the ARM is used as Parner, the nature field will have only the partner and customer options. Read-only Module Each single class is contained in a module, called Dll. In this property it is possible to determine in which module the class is used together with services of data reading. Read-Write Module In this property it is possible to determine in which module the class is used together with services of data entry. Read-only Namespace Namespace Dot Net equivalent to the Readonly module. Read-write Namespace Namespace Dot Net equivalent to the Read-Write module. Mapping Schema Name Database schema used by the object in the database. Mapping Table Name of the view or of the table in the database.
Template Pre-defined structure associated to an object in order to allow the ARM application to create the source code, formatted before by the object. This helps the programmer to develope the code, because the class will have already the pre-defined properties. Base Object This property indicates the derivation standard class, in case of personalization of a class, came from an existing standard class. Discriminator Value Property used for standard internal development.
Shared Interface Module This property determines in which shared module it is possible to insert the object interface.
Use Fluentis Reporting It determines if the application will use reports developed with DevExpress Xtra Report for the object.
Alias Formula It determines which object property is used as code field of the selected record during the application runtime.
Long Alias Formula It determines which object property is used as description field of the selected record during the application runtime.
When new objects are edited/created within the Business Object form, it is possible to highlight additional fields in respect to the ones described in the upper table, Information:
Ribbon New Object Proposal Algorithm It represents the method used when a new object is created. Post Insert Algorithm Metod It represents the method used when the object is edited.
Post Update Algorithm Method It represents the method used when the object is updated.
Post Delete Algorithm Method It represents the method used when the object is deleted.
Other data Properties This table contains the object properties. Thanks to the use of Edit ribbon they can be edited. Parameters In this table it is possible to determine the role of the property depending on the template used before (simple object, object, agents template etc.).
Validation Rules This table contains the rules used to certify the object.
BuildDate : 16 settembre 2014
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