
#1 Connections


Within the current group there is a list of entry related to the access functions of ARM application.

Access Functions


It refers to the procedure on which it is possible to define the parameters of connection to SQL Server database. Then there will be possible to define the accesses to the various applications: 

Code: univocal alphanumeric code to be assigned to the connection

Server: name of SQL (usually of the SQL server)

Database: database name

Sql User: sql server user with rights of access to the database

Password: sql server user password

The connection to be used, that represents the database on which to operate, will be required during the login phase of ARM application.

ARM Users

It refers to the procedure to insert all users, who will have access to the Application Resource Manager. It involves the insertion of the following parameters:

Name: identification alphanumeric string of the user

User Type: type of user authentication. Active Directory, when the authentication refers to Domain/Workgroup; Database, when the authentication is completely managed by ARM.

Login: user login.

Password: login password. To be used only in case in which the User Type is set on Database.

Domain: name of the user authentication domain or name of the ARM server workgroup.

Language: default language for the user.

IsSuperUser: it identifies if the user has the administrator rights. 


BuildDate : 07 maggio 2015

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