
#1 Items


The line type gives the possibility to select items with different features; codified item: corresponds to codified items in register and can be accounted on analytical accounting and recorded on warehouse; Notes Item: it is a simple note, that does not influence on accounting and on warehouse.

Data can be inserted automatically when class or matrix are inserted because the line type 'codified item' is selected automatically. Code: it refers to the 'barcode item code' inserted on Items, tab 'Barcode code'. At the moment of its insertion, the program takes the associated item, together with all data of its register automatically.

The insertion of class or matrix can occur manually or through the use of 'Items help' (double click on yellow section) which will propose all the related data inserted in item register. After the insertion of item, its description will be taken by register automatically.

Unit of Measure: it is possible to propose the main U.M. of item.

Quantity: it represents the main U.M. quantity and it can be inserted manually;

Price with VAT: it represents the price with VAT and has to be inserted previously on Items Register>Charges and can be different for warehouses;

 'VAT' and 'Amount Origin' fields are calculated automatically by keeping values from price with VAT.

Sales Turnover: it is possible to propose data inserted on 'generality' tab of items register. If this is not present, must be inserted manually.

New ItemButton to insert a new item.
Delete ItemButton to delete the inserted item.
Expand/Collapse Items GridIt enables the user to view or hide tabs “Document Summary” and “Item Detail”.

BuildDate : 10 luglio 2013

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