Purchase Invoices Type

#1 Purchase Invoices Type


The purchase invoices type is used in order to set the property of a purchase invoice.

The ribbon bar represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The possible features list is the following: 

Search Button to search the document type.
InsertButton to insert a new document type.
DeleteButton to delete the document type.
Print PreviewButton to perform the print preview.
PrintButton to print according to the filters set and to the printer configuration.
Type Invoice type.
Description Inovice type description.
Invoice NatureIt indicates the invoice nature: invoice, fiscal receipt, summary receipt, credit note from vendor, debit note from vendor.
Template / Template DescriptionAccounting template used for invoice accounting.
Analytic Template / Analytic Template DescriptionAnalytic template used for invoice accounting.
Tran. CodeGroup code for intrastat declaration.
Ware. / Warehouse DescriptionWarehouse of incoming goods contained on invoices of this invoice type.
Warehouse Template / Warehouse Template DescriptionMovement template of incoming goods contained on invoices of this invoice type.
From OrderThe invoice with this type can execute purchase orders.
Direct InvoiceThe type of invoice is immediately.
Intra CommunityIf it is set, it occurs if Country of vendor is CEE; on the contrary, if the invoice type and vendor have not the same type, a warning message appears.
In StatisticsThis type of invoice is reported on statistics.
Control VendorIf it is set, it is possible to create purchase invoices only through account and detail account with purchase account type; if it is not set, it is possible to use customers.
Group Maturity Values If it is set, it will be possible to group maturity values during the invoice accounting.
Without Group QuantityIf it is set, executed quantities are reported on execution document for single execution lines during the execution of this type of orders.
VAT Purch. Agr.If it is set, it is necessary to search an agricultural VAT code regarding item; if this code does not exist, it will be necessary to use the normal VAT code.
Invoice to Be ReceivedIf it is set, the invoice of this type corresponds to an invoice to be received.
Offset Invoices to Be ReceivedIf it is set, the invoice of this type corresponds to a reversal of an invoice to be received.
Ec. Accrual TemplateAccounting template regarding the economical accrual of invoice.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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