Code generation and adding code files into specific area folders


< Creating a subclass of an object


Code generation and adding code files into specific area folders (Core.Area.Module,Core.Aria,Core)

To access this, you need to go to the Fluentis tab and click on Business Modules Button.


If the object you want to include in the project has an interface, you need to generate Fluentis.FluentisErp.Core first, by pressing the button “Generate code”. If the generation was successful, it should return a message; otherwise, you must have missed something (usually you forgot to mention the parameters of the object) and nobody can generate code until you repair the mistake.               

If your object doesn’t have interface, you can generate the code by selecting the module where your object was created; you must generate the readonly and the ReadWrite module as well.


This will generate two or three folders: Core, NHMapping and if you generate for ReadWrite, an Algorithms folder (in some cases this will be generated for readonly as well). After the process is done, you need to copy the files you generated and include them into the proper project.

Downloaded folders structure is similar to Application folder:

> Adding an object to services

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