Validation rules for properties
< Validation rules for objects
Fig. 13.1.1
The validation templates are:
Fig. 13.1.2
- ObjectRequired
This type of rule checks if that property has its value set. For the properties that are mapped not-nullable, this is already checked.
Example: FSLoadingUnit (Fluentis.SP_Pallet) – Property: Employee
For this type of rule we have to set the Validation Message and select the properties (Fig. 13.4).
Fig. 13.1.3
- StringRequired
It’s the same as ObjectRequired, but only for the properties that have the type String.
- StringLength
Used to validate the length for the String properties.
There are four rule Criteria to choose from:
Example: FSPromissory (PO_Anag) – Property: CAB. The length of this field has to be less or equal to 5.
- Criteria Operator
It has the same principle like the Criteria operator of the Object.
Example: FSCostCenter (Fluentis. MB_CdC) – Property: Dimension
In this case, the user has to insert the Dimension if the Controlling flag is set for the current Company.
! In order to make the validation rules work, don’t forget to check all the properties mentioned in the validation rule.