#1 Ribbon
topThe majority of the application forms has a ribbon, that is automatically encoded with a Standard nature. It is possible to customize the ribbon for forms by adding some partner or customer ribbon. In the event of customer and partner ribbon and during the loading of the form, the customer ribbon bar takes priority compared to the partner ribbon bar. On the contrary, the partner ribbon bar takes priority compared to the standard ribbon bar.
Within the Ribbon tab the user can create and manage new ribbon for the form starting from its encoding up to the realization of the same one.
The Ribbon tab is made up of different sections.
The upper section contains a grid for the encoding of the ribbon register. The columns are the following:
Within the intermediate section it is possible to view the ribbon bar preview. The user can interact with the ribbon and, by selecting a button, can view the properties into the section below.
On the left, it is possible to view the selected ribbon bar, through a tree structure. It is possible to create and to edit elements of the ribbon bar by clicking the right button of the mouse. The possible functions are the same that have been described in Tree menu.
On the right, it is possible to view the section related to the elements properties of tree menu. The section can be divided into two tabs. The managed and manageable information is the same described in Tree nodes properties.
In addition, only as regards the form ribbon bar, another Accelerator property enables the user to use the keyboard shortcuts in order to use the ribbon buttons. This as an alternative of the mouse.
RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar of the “FORMS” contains two buttons:
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013