Accounting Parameters

#1 Accounting Parameters


The Accounting Parameters are located in [Home>Parameters>Finance]

The accounting parameters mask enables the definition of the several management parameters related to every accounting year, which has been selected in the grid on the left side.

It is worth mentioning  two mask management commands: 1. the command that deletes general ledger definitive printed reports 2. the command that deletes the definitive reports of the fixed assets journal whose use is possible thanks to a specific user right, directly managed by the ArtinfoResourceManager. This right can be activated for every single user. In both cases, when the definitive print is deleted, the user has to reset the related counters.  

Finally, do not forget that the accounting parameters represent the basic table, (the first step), to identify  the last management active year in order to start the procedure of creating a new accounting year, which is within the Utility. 

RIBBON BAR: The ribbon bar represents the form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use.l the list of the possible features is the following:

SaveCommand to save the settings related to the accounting management year on which the user is working.
InsertionCommand to insert a new accounting year.
DeleteCommand to delete the accounting management year on which the user is working.
Insert AccountCommand to insert the register account types that are authorized for every inserted account. The setting authorizes the automatic substitution of the generic account in the template with the detail account holder of the tax document as well as blocks or warns of incompatible accounts.
Delete AccountCommand to delete the accounts previously inserted.
Cancel Definitive ReportsCommand to cancel definitive reports of the journal whose use is possible thanks to a user right that can be managed with the ArtinfoResourceManager, a tool that can be activated for everyone. Once the report is deleted the user has to reset the related counters.
Cancel Depreciations JournalCommand to cancel the definitive report of the assets journal whose use is linked to a user right that can be managed with the ArtinfoResourceManager that can be activated for everyone. Once the report is deleted the user has to reset the related counters.

#1.1 General Tab

Current Period Start/EndThese fields are mandatory and define the document dates range, which can be managed within the recordings of the selected accounting period.
Current Accrual Period Start/EndSuggested optional fields, define the validity of the dates range, which can be managed within the recording of the selected accounting year.
Closing Previous Accounting PeriodIt defines the closing date of the previous accounting year.
Last Print Date of the JournalIt records the last definitively printed date related to the current accounting year. At the opening of a new accounting year this date has to correspond to the closing date of the previous accounting year.
Accounting Period Start/EndIt defines the recording dates range of the selected accounting year. According to this range of dates, every accounting recording, as a result of the controls in the previous field, is included in the corresponding accounting year. Dates have not to be superimposed among the several accounting years.
Last Page Printed from JournalIt records the last definitely printed page of the journal related to the selected accounting period. During the creation of a new accounting period this field must be set on zero.
Last Line Printed from JournalIt records the last definitely printed line of the journal related to the selected accounting period. During the creation of a new accounting period this field must be set on zero.
Debit/Credit BalanceIt records the last definitely printed debit/credit balances of the journal related to the selected accounting period. During the creation of a new accounting period this field must be set on zero.
Last Page Printed from Fix. Ass. JournalIt records the last definitely printed page of the fixed assets journal related to the selected accounting period. During the creation of a new accounting period this field must be set on zero.
Broken-Period PercentageThis field enables you to set up the percentage of the valid broken-period, valid for the selected accounting period. In case you are not going to use this option, let the field empty or set it on 100%.
Opening and Closing Account TemplateThese two fields, both of them not mandatory, enable you to preset those templates that you want to use in the opening/closing accounts procedures.
Propose Cost/Profit Centers fromThis section defines the accounting valorization logic order of cost/profit centers.
VAT Accounting TypeThis field enables you to define the default accounting type of the VAT rates applied on the various detail accounts belonging to the chart of accounts.
VAT SettlementIt sets periodic VAT settlements periodicity.
It sets periodic VAT settlements periodicity. It sets if VAT has to be always rounded up; it can follow 'Lire' selection or Euro logic.
VAT BooksIt establishes if VAT books have to be printed according to the recording date or instead to the VAT accrual date, within the selected year. In case that you do not want to use the deferred invoicing (by the 15th of the following month) option, the result does not change.
Plafond Accrual Date Is Equal toIt establishes if the plafond accrual date, which has to be assigned to VAT transactions with rate linked to the plafond, has to be set up according to recording or document date.
Customer/Vendor Accounts ListIn this section it is possible to set the types of authorized registers, for every inserted account. The setting authorizes the automatic substitution of the general account in the template, with the detail account holder of the fiscal document, as well as it blocks or warns of incompatible accounts.

#1.2 Accounts Tab

The list of accounts within the second tabulator is not mandatory, but it enables the user to predefine the detail accounts to be suggested in different procedures, or to take the best from some procedure automatisms. 

Detail Account – Input VATIt sets the detail account to be suggested in the automatic detection of VAT giro during the periodic VAT settlements definitive print.
Detail Account – Output VATIt sets the detail account to be suggested in the automatic survey of VAT giro during the periodic VAT settlements definitive print.
Initial Financial StandingIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening procedures.
Current Operating IncomeIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening/closing procedures.
Loss of Current Accounting PeriodIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening/closing procedures.
Previous Operating IncomeIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening/closing procedures.
Loss of Previous Accounting PeriodIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening/closing procedures.
Income StatementIt sets the detail account to be suggested for the accounts automatic opening/closing procedures.
Capital LossIt sets the detailed account to be used while detecting negative economic differences related to the assets loss.
Capital GainIt sets the detail account to be used while detecting positive economic differences related to the assets loss.
Casual ProfitsIt sets the detail account to be used while detecting casual profits.
Casual LossIt sets the detail account to be used while detecting casual losses.
Reduction in AssetsIt sets the detailed account to be used while detecting reduction in assets.
Reduction in LiabilitiesIt sets the detailed account to be used in finding reduction in liabilities.
VAT PayableDuring the periodic VAT settlements definitive print, it sets the detail account to be suggested during the automatic detection of the VAT giro.
VAT ReceivableIt sets the credit detail account towards tax revenues. The detail account is suggested during the automatic detection of VAT giro at the moment of the period VAT settlements definitive print.
Considerations AccountIt sets the detail account of the fictitious customer of considerations’ patrimonial detection.
Offset Consideration AccountIt is active if the previous considerations account is already active; it sets the economic offset detail account of the considerations to be allotted.
Considerations VAT rateIt is active if the previous considerations account is already active; it sets the detection VAT rate of considerations to be allotted.
Invoices to be ReceivedThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the “Accounting invoices to be received” procedure (within the “Purchase invoices” module) or in the accounting of purchase invoices of the type that includes validity period management.
Invoices to be IssuedThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the accounting of the sales invoices of the type that includes validity period management.
Deferred ChargesThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the procedure of the automatic adjustments of the Mid-Year Closures module.
Accrued IncomeThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the automatic adjustments procedure of the Mid-Year Closures module.
Deferred IncomeThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the automatic adjustments procedure of the Mid-Year Closures module.
Accrued CostsThe field sets the generic detail account to be used in the automatic adjustments procedure of the Mid-Year Closures module.
Suspended CostsStandard Detail Account to detect suspended costs, for the simplified/professional men accounting.
Revenues SuspendedStandard detail Account to detect suspended revenues, for the simplified/professional men accounting.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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