Mat. Val. Grouping Tab

#1 Mat. Val. Grouping Tab


“Mat. Val. Grouping Tab” management, once active, is a kind of management that is not compatible with the normal maturity values/payment management: the choice between one of these management modalities has to be performed when the general accounting templates are set. The user should be aware of the features of both modalities.

When the VAT type template  has the flag “Maturity Value Grouping” active,  “opening mat. Val” tab is automatically active: “opening maturity values” follows the customer/vendor register settings. Within the form “maturity value grouping”, the user can create, for these maturity values, one or more maturity value groups. They take number and date from the maturity value document that has created them. Thanks to the contextual menu that appears after a click on the right button of the mouse, it is possible to manage these operations, maturity value by maturity value:  it is possible then to select many maturity values/groups (“mark” option), to create new groups (“Create New Group”), to create allowance to close the group (“allowance”), to view details of the single maturity value (“Details”), to divide the inserted maturity value in a group (“Split maturity Value”).  The visualization of the groups relies on the selected detail account in the upper grid.

In case of collection/payment records, the user work is completely different from the work of a normal maturity value closing. In this case the user starts the record from the form of the record itself, finding a value to payment/collection on which the application creates a debit/credit maturity value and the user manually (if he/she wants) assigns it to a group of the form “Maturity value grouping”. In concrete terms, on each one of these maturity values, the application creates the related reciprocal payments (so this is the reason why reading a “standard” tickler is not sufficient and it is necessary to use only the reports and the visualization/management masks of the groupings in order to get the situation of the ledgers). When the group balance, as an effect of the assigned maturity values, reaches the 0, then the group will get the status “close”.

RIBBON BAR: the ribbon bar represents the form menu, that is the area on which it is possible to perform actions. The possible features list is the following:

SaveButton to save the record.
New RecordButton to create a new record.
Insertion ParametersIt refers to the insertion parameters of the first note.
Open RegisterButton to recall the register-management of the selected detail account or the search of another register.
Expand/Collapse Grid
Refresh Three
Document ManagerButton to link to the document management.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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