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topThrough a double click on records tab the restore tab enables the user to view the accounting record as well as the partial/total cancellation of the selected payment operations. The cancellation will be possible only if period can be still edited (journal report and accounts closing not performed).
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions on procedure in use. The list of features is the following:
FILTER AREA: The filter area contains the list of the possible data types thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection, a research on the total of data inserted in system. Typically Filters have 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more filter criteria at the same time.
RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the import list that belongs to the filter data above mentioned. After having specified values through which to obtain a search of inventory items the user, by clicking on the [Search] button in the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of desired inventory items in the result grid.
BuildDate : 08 agosto 2013