
#1 Dictionary


Within the current procedure it has been possible to define all the items, labels, fix texts used in the applications forms. Each item has the related translation in all the enabled languages contained in the Form Languages of ARM. In addition the procedure enables the user to search among the already inserted items.

In case of insertion of a new item, the translation for each language is simplified by the interrogation to the most common search providers.

The procedure provides for the following search filters: 

Search Filters
Source LanguageDrop-down selection in order to determine the language of the source item to be searched.
KeyMaster key of translation. To the current key it is possible to refer to all the translations of a particular item. This key is independent from the drop-down selections of filters.
From FilterString to search an item or part of it within the dictionary, according to the language specified on the Source Language filter.
Destination LanguageDrop-down selection in order to define the language of the destination item to be searched.
To FilterString to search an item or part of it within the dictionary, according to the language specified on the Destination filter.

In order to perform a search, it is necessary to insert data in Key or in From Filter and to select the filter in source language.

In the grid it will be possible to represent data as a sequence of the search set:

Search Data
CodeMaster key of translation.
From ContentIt will be possible to view the translation of items/keys searched in the language specified on Source Language.
Primary LanguageLanguage specified during the creation of the master key. Each master key has a primary language.
Entry KindType of translation key. It can have Standard, Customer or Partner value according to the fact that the key has been created by standard or by a customer/partner.

By selecting a line on dictionary, it is possible to view and to manage translations for each language established in ARM, with Languages form. It is possible to edit only the master Keys, that have Entry Kind different than Standard.

Each master Key, line of grid, can view and manage the following information: 

Master Key Properties
KeyMaster key of translation.
Primary LanguagePrimary language of master key. Each master key has a primary language.
Maximum LengthMaximum number of characters, which can be specified for each translation.
TranslationsIn the current section it is possible to choose the preferred translation engine in order that ARM could translate automatically the master key in all the languages managed. By clicking on the “Propose for all languages” button, it is indeed possible to valorize the grid below.
NotesIt is possible to associate a descriptive note to the master key.

Each master key can view a grid with the related translations divided per language. Within this grid there is read only information, above all in case that the entry kind of key is set as standard. 

The information, displayed in columns, is the following:

Translation Properties
LanguageDrop-down selection in order to identify the language in question.
ContentTranslation related to the language selected into the Language column.
NotesPossible note to be associated to the translation in question.
TranslateIn the current section it is possible to choose the translation engine for the language in object. By clicking on GET button, the selected translation engine will provide for the valorization of the Content field together with the related translation.
KindIt identifies the type of translation. The default is standard.


 - Select the first line in the grid, identified as “Click here to add new item”.

- Insert the master key into the Key field and select the related main language.

- Change the Maximum Length. Let 0 for a not defined length.  

- Confirm the insertion by selected the first cell of line in insertion, above the icon of row in edit.

- Select again the line with the already inserted master key.

- Click on the “Propose for all languages” button in order to have the automatic translation in all the available languages. For this reason the translations grid will be automatically populated.

RIBBON BAR: within the ribbon bar it is possible to view the form menu together with the following buttons: 

SearchIt searches the translation items according to filters set in form. This function can be enabled at the moment in which at least an item or a master key and a language as Source language is indicated.
Generate Create ScriptThrough the current button it will be possible to view a form, where the sql script can be automatically generated and viewed for the creation of the translation item related to the selected grid line. Those scripts can be performed on another database and they can have the same items, translated into the destination database.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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